Traveling : Tampa Wedding Photojournalists

   One could say these trips were all involving food. I think we ate more than we've ever eaten. I tried to be good but couldn't help it in wanting to try all of the delicious treats :) Of the places we ate, my favorites were:Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles (of Quentin Tarantino fame)Bob's Big BoyMilkPinkberry at the Farmer's MarketThe Griddle CafePink's Hot Dogs (I didn't actually eat there but Hank did)In Kentucky we ate at one of my favorite restaurants, Alfalfa's. That was the highlight of that leg of the trip. Well, we also ate at an awesome wedding, but I'll be blogging about that later this week. Now that we're back I'm working on recommitting myself to eating healthier. I should note that while in Los Angeles we did other things like walk around Venice, tour the Warner Brothers Studios, run through Celebrity neighborhoods on our daily workouts,saw Doug Benson and a bunch of comedians make fun of the film, The Happening (it was awful-but they made it funny!). And, the best part of all is that we hung out with our awesome friends Amelia and Matt. Check back later this week to see images from our wedding in Kentucky!     


Mary Elizabeth and Nathaniel's wedding in Versailles, Kentucky | Part I


Susan and Stephen in St. Pete Beach