Working on a beautiful clients' wall in South Tampa

  A few months ago, my wonderful client Lynda, contacted me about decorating the living room wall in her family's new home in South Tampa. She wanted to hang prints of her sons, Seth and Benjamin, from last years holiday portrait session. This certainly was a fun project to work on with her. I'd hung many a photograph and painting from my days in college, but never a collage of images like this.The process took a few trips where we measured, made cut outs, and projected what the images would look like. I then hired my handy-dandy husband, Hank, to come out to hang the pieces. Luckily, he gives me a discount :)These images are printed as float wraps. They are thin canvas wraps that stand out from the wall by the way they hang. They add depth to any room and are a  beautiful addition to any room.I recently contacted Lynda to see how she's enjoying the float wraps.This is what she said-We love it and have had compliments from everyone who has seen it!Have I mentioned how much I love this work! 


The wedding singer and other funny tales


Dominique and Jonathan's downtown Tampa engagement