You are my sunshine | A personal post | Tampa Wedding Photojournalist

When Hank and I got married five years ago, we played "You Are My Sunshine" during our slideshow at our rehearsal dinner. It's a song that really resonates with the two of us. I can remember my mom singing it to me when I was little and it reminds me of my roots in Kentucky for some reason. So, when writing about expecting our first child in just a few short weeks, I can't help but think back to that song and about what's to come.We've nicknamed him Baby Bean. I can't wait to meet the little guy. It's crazy to think he's almost here. It seems like yesterday I was preparing to run my first half marathon and discovering I was pregnant! I ran it anyway :) Ever since then I've been keeping a list of the things I've done while he's in my belly. I'm calling it my belly bucket list. It includes riding in an Indy car, running a lot, walking a lot, exploring and laughing a lot, and generally getting into some mischief here and there. I sure hope this kid's as adventurous as the two of us.It's funny the change this brings about in our lives. We've had so many discussions of what kind of parents we're going to be. We've been scared, happy, nervous, happy, overwhelmed, happy, and so busy, but mostly, we've been so crazy excited! It's going to be an adventure!I'm going to be taking a short break from weddings but they'll resume again August and I'll be working away on a bunch of wedding albums for clients so this won't be the end of me! Please holler if you need anything at all :)Finally, we shot these portraits at one of my favorite parks in St. Pete. If you haven't been to Sawgrass Lake Park yet, go. It's the most peaceful place filled with boardwalks, low hanging trees, and even alligators. I can't wait to take the little bean there after he arrives. Special thanks to Edmund Fountain, a colleague at the Tampa Bay Times, who's just filled with talent. Every picture he takes is just amazing. What I love about these is that they're shot with an old field camera and the film is just gorgeous. That's right, these were shot with film :) Edmund shot our first portraits together five years ago right before we got engaged. He then shot our portraits at our wedding that hang in our house. Truly art.I'll post soon after the bean arrives. Get ready!


Jennifer and Chris's wedding at The Lake Club in Lakewood Ranch | Tampa Wedding Photojournalist
