Welcome to my new website and a contest!

Wow, I cannot believe this site is finally here. I've been working on this for so long that at times it felt like this wasn't going to happen. I have explained the reasoning on my other blog for starting this new company and website. I'm not going to go into that here because I like to think this is like starting over. Making lemonade out of lemons as the old saying goes :)So, here I am, starting over with this site. Speaking of starting over, would you do me a kind old favor and hop on over to my new and improved facebook page and "like" me? I'd surely appreciate it. I have spent a lot of time getting 'liked' and now I must do it all again! Feels kinda like high school!These are some of my favorite images from weddings from the past few years. For more images, please check out one of my many galleries on the new site.******CONTEST TIME*****Finally, to celebrate this new and improved blog and website, I'm giving away a $25 iTunes gift card in a random drawing to somebody who comments on this blog post and tells me their favorite wedding memory. It doesn't have to be from your own wedding. The contest goes until Saturday at noon (EST!). I'll announce the winner next week.Thanks again for stopping by and keep checking back. I'll be posting a gorgeous wedding this week!******WE HAVE A WINNER*****The winner was Tracy Larsen. Thanks to everybody who entered! I'll definitely have another contest soon :)


Neha and Michael's Wedding Part I