Coast Guard Honor: Frank's night

        When my husband, Hank, and I first started dating, we discovered we had some friends in common. I had met Inge and Frank while working in the Clearwater bureau of the St. Pete Times. Frank's the type of person who writes a lot of letters to the editor and has an interest in photography. We became instant friends. Inge, who they affectionately call, The Franchise, is one of the sweetest women I know. Hank was working at the Morton Plant Wellness Center and had met them while working in the gym there.Frank's advice has been gold for me over the years. One time when I was struggling with hiring a contractor for a job on my house, Frank, who's last name is Spatuzzi, told me to tell the contractor that my Italian godfather from New Jersey was advising me on the job and would serve as my general contractor. It's good to have friends like that :)Frank and Inge are a couple that Hank and I look up to. They're an example to us of a long lasting love and someday we hope to look back at our lives with the same affection towards each other that Frank and Inge have. We love them.If you'd like to watch a film about Frank that our other dear friend Cat made for us, please visit her vimeo page to watch it!


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