Camping in Alabama

              Hiking in the woods is like asking your mind to be quiet. You don't hear anything except the leaves blowing against each other, the slight sounds of animals moving around you. It's truly one of my favorite things to do.Last weekend I joined my friend Cat Stuart, of Think Video Studios, in shooting video at a wedding in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. After the wedding we headed up to Cheaha State Park north of Birmingham to camp and hike. Our camping efforts were funny with some success (Cat started the fire on her own) and some failure (the tent was broken and kept me up most of the night smacking me in the face). Overall it was a blast :)And boy did we hike. We hiked for something around 7 hours and I believe we covered something like 10 miles. I'd like to say I would have kept going but alas, I was beat and ready to get out of the woods. We opted to go back to Birmingham and visit my in-laws. Yes, we opted for a hot shower and comfy beds to sleep in.In honor of our time in the woods. I found this poem on the interwebs and thought I'd share: 

As I ventured to the Wood
As I ventured to the wood,I stopped to draw on dewy air; letDroplets shimmer in my hair, thatRested on my tranquil head – asIn a sense of cosy bed.As I ventured to the wood,A gesturing cuckoo perched above,And then in song with cooing dove,‘You're welcome’, bade he, ’Enter pleaseTo roam our land with gentle breeze.’As I ventured to the wood,A fallow deer of limpid eyeGave care to glance at lucky I.The heavenly aura 'bout her glow hadCharmed me, like a fine Bordeaux.As I ventured to the wood,A dazzling flower waved her faceIn blazing show of dance and chase, andReddened bright in shade of dawn, sheFlirted like a prancing fawn.As I ventured to the wood,A butterfly had graced my arm,And knowing I bid him no harm, heSplayed for me hypnotic wing inColours for to urge me sing!As I ventured to the wood,The radiant sun shone down on me.He flushed and beamed ‘I say to thee,You bless your land; be filled with pride, andCherish e’er yon countryside! ’ Copyright © Mark R Slaughter 2009All rights reserved



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